6 Awesome Detox foods

Photo by amoon ra on Unsplash

Forty million people die annually from lifestyle diseases!

Sedentary lifestyle, heavy Intake of processed foods, drinking, and smoking are the main culprits in this global epidemic.

Nothing could be more accurate than this,

Food is either a poison or a cure!

Want to stay safe and healthy?

Rid yourself of those harmful chemicals in your body.

Detoxification with foods is a natural, Inexpensive, safe, and proven method to maintain proper health.

The following are six amazing detox foods and fruits.

  1. Lemon your way through the day
Photo by Tirza van Dijk on Unsplash

A tall glass of ice-cold lemon water will kick-start your day with a bang. Even better, spice up your meals with lemon zest, salad, or marinate your food with it.

A 2014 report in The Journal of Medicinal foods concluded that citric acid in lemons aids liver functions greatly.

Lemons contain antioxidants like D-limonene that fight free radicals and reverse oxidative damage.

Their alkaline nature balances pH levels.

Lemons pack a punch with a healthy dose of vitamin C up for grabs.

Potassium, Magnesium, and Copper found in lemons help absorb other nutrients like Iron while also reduce bloating.

2. Cruciferous Vegetables And Leafy Greens

Photo by Heather Barnes on Unsplash

Thoughts of broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, artichokes, and cabbages may not be pleasant, but these and most of the dark leafy vegetables are a must-have in your diet.

Vegetables do the following,

  • Boost liver functions.
  • Fight against cancer. Vegetables contain glucosinolate that is very effective in combating free radicals.
  • Fight against Inflammation.
  • Posses Anti-viral properties.

Vegetables are high in fiber, which feeds probiotic bacteria in the gut. Fiber eases the excretion of toxins through bile and stool.

Want to say healthy? Be like Popeye and pop a can of clean, organic spinach!

3. Cuppa matcha (Green Tea)

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

A fancy name for a fancy drink? Well, it deserves that title. Green tea has been used for ages by the orientals for its soothing and healing properties.

Green tea contains vast quantities of polyphenols, which are very effective in reducing Inflammation and posses terrific anti-cancer properties.

Catechins (Antioxidants) like ECCG found in green tea are effective in fighting free radicals, repairing cell damage, and a host of other health benefits.

Green tea does the following,

  • protects against cancer.
  • Improve dental care by killing mouth bacteria.
  • Aid in weight loss by increasing metabolism.
  • Increase mental alertness by infusing a healthy dose of caffeine.

Try a cup of cuppa matcha, and you will not be disappointed

4. Beets

Photo by Monika Grabkowska on Unsplash

Amply named a superfood, beets are a one-stop-shop.

Beets are full of antioxidants that increase metabolism while reducing Inflammation.

Beets activate liver enzymes and affect the bile, which breaks down healthy fats ready for absorption.

Beets are full of vitamin C, Magnesium, and Iron, which are vital for proper health.

Beet is excellent for hair, skin, and maintaining cholesterol levels.

Beetroot juice and salads are great options to eat your way to health.

5. Apples

Photo by Adem Djemil on Unsplash

Fruits look great, taste great, and are GREAT!

Nothing is better than a fruity diet to rid your body of the trash you’ve been consuming for ages.

Surely the apple is the noblest of fruits.

Henry David Thoreau

Want to have superstar looks? Great skin, nails, and hair are just a bite away. Indulge in fruits and specifically apples for your ticket to stardom.

Apples are fiber-rich, enabling the body to purge toxins from the gut.

Apples also contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants

Pectin found in apples purge toxins and lower levels of LDL Cholesterol.

Incorporate apples in your diet with smoothies, salads, or eat them straight up.

6. Garlic

Photo by Linda Holman on Unsplash

Just as Thomas Edison’s bulb lit the world, this bulb will light up your Insides.

Garlic is a revered spice world over for Its medicinal and healing properties.’

Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food.

Garlic contains a whooping 39 antibacterial agents, Inhibits activation of carcinogens, and enhances purification.

Garlic aids in white blood cell production and is useful in ridding your body of harmful chemicals.

Allicin, one of the most potent natural antibacterial agents, abounds in garlic.

Allicin kills unfriendly bacteria in the gut allowing for the ejection of toxins in the gastrointestinal tract.

With unfriendly bacteria out of the gut, then gastrointestinal leakage is minimized.

In summary,

There are thousands of recipes, diets, and mantras promising quick fixes to rid our bodies of toxins.

Starvation diets, heavy metal chelation, yoga, and a myriad of other “detox” regimes miss the mark by a mile.

Your body is a temple, treat it that way.

The best defense is an offense. Avoid consuming foods with high levels of toxins in the first place. Junk, processed, and synthetic food is lethal, avoid it all costs.

Whole, fresh, organic foods are better alternatives


You are what you eat.



Solo Mugo (A dad, husband and writer)

An extrovert who lives life to the fullest. Come view the world through my lens.